My Voyage to Finding My Signature TWA Style

Hey Y’all,

So, I’ve been natural for a month now. In this short time, I have experimented with a lot of twa hair styles. I’ve done twist outs, fro-hawks, wash n’ goes, and mini twists. Here’s my review on these styles. Let’s start with the classic twist out:

I love this hair style!! It only takes me an hour to twist my hair up and maybe about ten minutes to take in down, fluff it up, and go. The only thing that I don’t like about this hair style is that it only last one day.I tried making it last for two days but uh…………it wasn’t cute. I haven’t worn this style in a couple weeks, but when I start rocking some cute summer dresses, I’ll be pulling this style out again just to add some flirty fun.



When I wanted to take my twist out up a notch, I did a fro-hawk a couple times. I’m not a big fan of this style. I always feel like one side is pinned up higher than the other and I didn’t feel so cute with it. So, Imma leave this style to the other naturals out there that make it look so fierce!!


Eventually, I got tired of doing twist-outs nightly (as I knew I would) and decided to try wash and goes. I was excited to try this one out because in the YouTube videos, the girls’ hair came out so good and their curls were super defined. When I tried a wash n’ go, my curls came out defined, but it didn’t come out exactly as I imagined it will. Plus, I didn’t like how I couldn’t tell how well my hair was moisturized due to the crunchy gel feeling AND it didn’t last as long as I thought it would. Maybe  it was because of me, I don’t know. What I do know is that I don’t plan on doing a wash and go anytime soon. I might try doing it again when my hair grows longer, but for now I’m going to leave it alone.


I know y’all probably thinking does this chick ever find a hairstyle that she could stick to??? I did LOL. I loooooooove putting mini twist in my hair because THEY LAST!!! The truth of the matter is I’m not your “do my hair every night” kind of girl. Never have been, never will. I want something cute, but something that also doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. These twists foot the bill.

Granted, I hate that it takes me at least three hours to put the twists in my hair, but considering that the trade off is that all I have to do is spray my hair with my water mix and tie it up at night, then take it down and spend about five minutes putting a couple bobby pins  in my hair in the morning for the next seven to ten days, I shall not complain!! Not to mention when I take them out, they give my hair a crazy defined twist out that I could rock if I wanted to. And the cooler thing is that twists are a great low manipulation style which equals length retention (more about that later) !!! This is hands down a winner, winner, chicken dinner!!! I love my twists so much, I’ll be rocking them all this summer.


If you want me to post how I do my mini twists, just comment below :-). And hey what hair styles did you or are you doing with your TWA??

Stay Beautiful,

Tia ❤